
Why Lung Health Matters

Lung health is important as your body needs oxygen to stay alive. Without the help of your lungs, life would not be possible as they are the vessel through which your body receives oxygen. Lung issues can impact your health and lead to severe issues. Below you will find why lung health matters and what you can do to keep your lungs healthy for the long haul.

Why Lung Health Matters

Millions of people are impacted by lung issues globally. From chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (“COPD”) and lung cancer to asthma and pneumonia, children and adults across the world have been impacted, hospitalized, and even died due to the complications associated with lung conditions. Despite the major importance of lung health, it is often taken for granted. Your lungs help keep you alive so it is important to prioritize your lung health.

Your body has a defense system designed to protect your lungs. This natural defense system keeps dirt and germs away in order to protect your lungs and overall health. Despite this, it’s important to take additional measures to protect your lung health. This can help reduce your risk for harmful lung conditions, in addition to protecting your lungs if you have already been diagnosed with a lung-related illness.

Protecting Your Lungs

Maintaining good lung health is important for your overall health. Consider the following steps you can take to ensure your lung health stays in good shape.

  • Avoid Smoking: Cigarette smoking is the most common cause of lung cancer and COPD, a harmful lung disease that includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. The smoke from cigarettes can narrow the air passages which makes breathing really difficult. It can also cause chronic inflammation and swelling which can lead to chronic bronchitis. The long-term effects of smoking include lung tissue damage and an increased risk for cancer.
  • Reduce Outdoor Pollution Exposure: Outdoor air pollution can impact your lung health. Depending on where you live, air quality can change from day to day. Air quality index (“AQI”) information is readily available online which can help inform you on how to protect yourself if you need to go outdoors.
  • Avoid Indoor Pollution: While you can’t control outdoor pollution, you have more control over the amount of indoor pollution you are exposed to in your home. Do not let people smoke in your home, test for radon, and avoid using harmful chemicals at home.
  • Regular Exercise: Strengthening your lungs is a great way to protect them. Being physically active can help improve your lung health no matter how young or old you are. Start slow and build up your stamina for optimal results. If you struggle during physical activity, consult with a pulmonologist. They can help determine what is impacting your lungs when you exercise. Then we can create a treatment plan that works for you.
  • Regular Checkups: Getting regular health checkups proves integral for your lung health. If you notice any issues with your breathing or lungs, share this information during your appointment. Further testing and assessment may be necessary to address the issue.

Asthma Doctor in New York City

Roughly 6 million children are impacted by asthma in the United States. The best course of action is to contact a pediatric pulmonologist in Manhattan right away. They can help diagnose your child’s issue and create an effective treatment plan. Getting asthma under control can help your child manage their symptoms and take steps to reduce the risk for more serious lung-related issues. If you are concerned that your child has asthma, contact the top asthma doctor in New York City to schedule an appointment!

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