
How Serious is Whooping Cough?

According to the Center of Disease Control, Whooping Cough is documented as early as the 16th century. The organism associated with Whooping Cough was officially isolated in 1906, and the condition is professionally referred to as Pertussis. However, there have been many medical and technological advances since then, leading many to wonder how serious it …

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When is Wheezing Serious?

There are many different types of coughs that happen for several reasons. Whether as a reaction to a seasonal allergy, or a case of a spreading cold virus, coughing is our body’s way of getting rid of any irritants or particles that have made their way into our respiratory system. While coughing can be a …

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Asthma and Chest Pain: Is Asthma Supposed to Hurt?

Little caucasian boy has allergies from yellow flower

Asthma is a condition that affects millions of people. It specifically targets the respiratory system. It causes spasms in the lungs, which makes it difficult to breathe properly. While 1 in 13 Americans have asthma (about 25 million adults and children), asthma symptoms do not always present the same across the board. Is asthma supposed …

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Signs Your Asthma is Worsening

Girl suffering asthma attack reaching inhaler

Asthma is a medical condition that progresses over time. Recognizing the signs of worsening asthma is the first step in getting your illness under control. Asthma in a Nutshell Asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and constricts the airways. It is set off by certain triggers and exacerbates over time. Asthma can be …

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Controlling Asthma Without Your Inhaler

Woman feeling pain and tired on bed

Over 18 Million Americans live with asthma. Traditionally, they are treated with inhaled and/or oral medications to help control airway inflammation and acute attacks. These treatments are often necessary if the patient wishes to avoid frequent attacks and hospital visits. The Big News is increasing evidence suggests that specific lifestyle changes and integrative treatments have …

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Common Asthma Triggers

Side view of a woman using an asthma inhaler outdoors with a green background

If you or your child have ever suffered from sudden shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, or sudden wheezing and coughing, then you know how scary an asthma attach can be. The swelling and narrowing of the airways can bring panic when the air just won’t flow like it is supposed to. And if …

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