
Why Do We Sneeze?

Unwell Young Woman Blowing Her Nose

Have you ever sneezed due to a cold virus? Or perhaps something tickled your nose? Maybe you’ve sneezed two, three, or four times in a row? We have all experienced different types of sneezing. It’s a shared human experience, and yet it comes as a quick surprise every time it happens. So, why exactly do …

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Asthma in Children Under 5 Years Old

Small but conscious how to treat asthma

Asthma is chronic inflammation of the airways in the lungs which makes the airways prone to episodes of difficult breathing, known as Asthma Attacks. Common triggers include allergies, colds, and exercise. Asthma is controlled by avoiding these triggers when possible and by using medication therapy. The primary symptoms of asthma are wheezing and coughing, and …

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