
Why Does Asthma Make You Cough?

featured image for why does asthma make you cough

Asthma is one of the most common and well-known respiratory conditions. The condition has the potential to interfere heavily with an individual’s ability to live well and function at their highest potential in day-to-day life. Why does asthma make you cough, though? One of the most common symptoms of asthma is coughing, which can either …

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Does Asthma Get Worse in Winter?

Does asthma get worse in winter.

Millions of Americans suffer from asthma, including 6.2 million children under the age of 18. Asthma can be extremely frightening for your child, so it is vital to have all of the information you need to ensure your child stays safe and healthy. Certain factors can make your child’s asthma worse, including cold weather. Depending …

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Are You Breathing Wrong?

How often do you focus on your breathing? When you’re nervous, you may take quick and shallow breaths. When you’re exasperated or relieved, you let out a sigh. Are you one of the millions of Americans who have adopted yoga and meditation for self-care? You may know some deep breathing techniques to calm your nerves …

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Breathing Exercises for Stress

Stress can happen for a variety of reasons. We all encounter stress in our daily lives, whether there’s a project at work due or a huge school exam coming up. Perhaps we have to have a difficult conversation with a family member, and the looming anticipation is causing stress. All of these situations induce stress …

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Surviving an Asthma Attack if you Don’t Have Your Inhaler

Pretty blonde woman having breath difficulties

If you have asthma, you most likely rely on medication and inhalers to manage your symptoms in case of an attack. Although you know to always keep your inhaler with you in case of emergency, there may be times when you do not have immediate access to it or it is not within reach. This …

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Signs Your Asthma is Worsening

Girl suffering asthma attack reaching inhaler

Asthma is a medical condition that progresses over time. Recognizing the signs of worsening asthma is the first step in getting your illness under control. Asthma in a Nutshell Asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and constricts the airways. It is set off by certain triggers and exacerbates over time. Asthma can be …

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