
Worst Jobs for People with Asthma

Working in a dusty warehouse is one of the worst jobs for people with asthma

Asthma involves chronic inflammation of the lung airways that causes chest tightness, coughing, shortness of breath, and wheezing. With an effective asthma treatment plan the symptoms can be managed. However, certain triggers can exacerbate asthma issues. This is why it’s important to live and work in environments that are healthy and asthma-trigger free. Below you …

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How Fresh Air Benefits Children

How fresh are benefits children

Good parents are always trying to do what is best for their children. You know you need to protect their physical health, mental health, and emotional health because all three are essential to a vibrant and fulfilling life. But being aware that your choices as a parent directly impact their future doesn’t necessarily make it …

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The Link Between Childhood Obesity and Asthma

Childhood obesity and asthma

There is no denying that childhood obesity is a serious problem in the United States. According to the Center for Disease Control, roughly 19% of all American children between the ages of 2 and 19 years of age are considered medically obese. These rates are even higher in low-income communities and inner-city neighborhoods where regular …

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Can Acupressure Help Me Manage my Asthma?

According to UCLA Integrative Medicine, acupressure is a targeted, deep-tissue massage intended to pin-point areas that stimulate the body’s ability to heal. Although the associated vocabulary, including the concepts of qi, meridians, and internal balance, may seem foreign in western society, scientific research published through the NIH suggests that it is not an accident that …

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Asthma and Chest Pain: Is Asthma Supposed to Hurt?

Little caucasian boy has allergies from yellow flower

Asthma is a condition that affects millions of people. It specifically targets the respiratory system. It causes spasms in the lungs, which makes it difficult to breathe properly. While 1 in 13 Americans have asthma (about 25 million adults and children), asthma symptoms do not always present the same across the board. Is asthma supposed …

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How Do You Know If You Have Asthma?


Asthma is a leading chronic disease in children and plagues more than 25 million Americans according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. Although there is no cure for asthma, there are ways to manage it and mitigate attacks. However, many people may be unaware sufferers of asthma. As a top asthma doctor in …

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Is Pollution a Social Issue or Environmental Issue?

Sleepy brunette woman waking up and rubbing her eyes.

The effects of pollution on the environment – and on our physical health – is no secret. For decades, people have been noticing that releasing harmful toxins and chemicals in the air has had drastic effects. But when it comes down to it, do we see pollution as merely a problem with the environment? Or, …

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Controlling Asthma Without Your Inhaler

Woman feeling pain and tired on bed

Over 18 Million Americans live with asthma. Traditionally, they are treated with inhaled and/or oral medications to help control airway inflammation and acute attacks. These treatments are often necessary if the patient wishes to avoid frequent attacks and hospital visits. The Big News is increasing evidence suggests that specific lifestyle changes and integrative treatments have …

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Why is Cold Air Harder to Breathe?

Woman with a cold sneezing from allergy or hay fever

Anyone who has spent prolonged periods of time outside in extremely cold weather has experienced the burning sensation in their lungs when they inhale frigid air. This is because when we take a breath, the humidity in the air must be warmed up to body temperature before reaching our lungs. In the winter time, air …

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Your Options for Asthma Treatment


Asthma is a serious illness. In fact, 7.6% of adults and 8.4% of children in the US have asthma, and asthma has been increasing since the early 1980s in all age, gender, and ethnic groups. There are several ways asthma can be treated. Medically, there are short-term and long-term medications which come in different forms. …

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