
Sleep Hygiene Tips for Shift Workers

Many jobs require people to work late or overnight. Whether you work on a manufacturing line or in a hospital, you are putting in a lot of long hours that would naturally be reserved for sleep. How are you taking care of yourself as a shift worker? What can you do to make sure you have healthy sleep habits despite working overnight? You must pay attention to your sleep hygiene if you work the second or third shift. Lack of proper sleep leads to stress, fatigue, and a myriad of other health issues. Read the following sleep hygiene tips for shift workers to help your body maintain a healthy sleep cycle. It will keep your body feeling good and your mind full of energy so you can avoid the more negative impacts of your work schedule. 


Sleep Hygiene Tips for Shift Workers


Tip 1: Create the Perfect Sleeping Environment

No matter what time you have to go to bed each day, make sure it is in a comforting environment. You should be in a comfortable bed with lights and electronics turned off. Additionally, you should be in a space where the temperature is not too hot. Hot or humid environments can cause you to sweat as you sleep, leading to discomfort and unsettlement. A space that is conducive to good sleep is a requirement for a healthy sleep cycle.


Tip 2: Try the Split Nap Method

Some shift workers prefer to stay awake the whole day leading up to their shift and get a full night’s sleep afterward, even if those hours fall during the day. Others thrive by taking multiple small naps during breaks throughout their shift. If your job allows for it, try using your breaks to take small naps between 10 and 20 minutes in length. While short, these naps will help you recharge without making you feel groggy. 


Tip 3: Take a Nap Immediately After Work

You are probably eager to get home after a long night (or morning) on the job. However, take a minute to assess your tiredness levels. If you are feeling too fatigued to drive, consider taking a small nap before you get on the road. According to a study done by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, drowsy driving contributes to nearly 100,000 accidents per year, with half of them leading to deaths. Sleep deprivation is a serious issue that can endanger yourself and others when ignored. 


Tip 4: Manage How You Drink Caffeine

Caffeine is a must-have for many overnight shift workers, but drinking a lot of it does not guarantee that your body will stay awake. You need to drink coffee in small amounts and short bursts rather than constantly drinking large amounts of coffee throughout your shift. A cup of coffee once an hour or once every couple of hours will keep you consistently energized through your work. It is more effective than if you were to drink heavy amounts of caffeine right away, which would leave you jittery before you ultimately crash.


Tip 5: Stay On Your Feet

You might have a job that requires you to move around or lift heavy objects during your shift. Such activity can help you stay awake as it keeps your blood moving, which maintains high amounts of energy. If your job is more stationary, you should take some time during your breaks to get exercise. A brief jog around the building or even a set of jumping jacks for ten minutes in the break room can reinvigorate your senses and keep your body in a good state. 


Always Get a Full Night of Sleep!

No matter what kind of schedule you work on, there are ways to protect your sleep. Establish a daily bedtime routine that you will be able to maintain to keep your body healthy. A full night of rest followed by good sleep habits during your shift will help you maintain a sense of regularity.


Sleep Center in New York City

Contact Dr. Mayank Shukla, a top-rated sleep doctor in New York, to learn more about your sleep health and find out what you can do to make your overnight shifts more tolerable.


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