
Why a Lack of Sleep Makes You Feel So Terrible

After a night of no sleep, everyone feels awful. No matter what caused the sleepless night, the day after is terrible for everybody. A lack of sleep is followed by headaches, nausea and body aches. We often take sleep for granted, but when we don’t get enough, we realize just how important it is. Sleep affects our day-to-day performance and our physical and mental health in many ways. But have you ever wondered exactly why is it that you feel so terrible after a sleepless night?

Important Things Occur in Our Sleep

Our natural sleep patterns are controlled by an internal body clock, which is called a circadian clock. This clock regulates body temperature, hormone levels, heart rate and other vital bodily functions.

While we’re asleep, we’re actively restoring fundamental chemical balance. This is all in preparation for a new day, and a fresh start.

Sleep also keeps electrical currents flowing and essentially recharges your batteries, so if you haven’t been sleeping, it is little wonder you feel so awful. Your body can’t function without sleep and shutting down is its way of trying to tell you this.

Why the Sleeplessness Hangover?

The day after a sleepless night, people often experience heart palpitations, nausea, dizziness or light-headedness. This is because our cortisol levels are disrupted due to not sleeping properly. Cortisol is an important hormone that helps regulate blood pressure and metabolism.

Our heart rate is also affected when we don’t get enough sleep. During sleep, our pulse and breathing slows down as we are relaxed. Not sleeping means that we are not slowing down or relaxed which can leave us in an anxious state.

Why the Long Face?

Feeling wiped out is not all you have to cope with after a sleepless night. You probably look awful, as well. A change in complexion is the result of poor circulation. This is because sleep improves our blood flow and our blood does not flow properly is we did not get proper sleep. Sleep definitely improves skin appearance, because when we sleep, our cells restore themselves.


Why so Irritable?

Your irritation limit is particularly low if you’re lacking sleep. This is because sleeping is a time for restoring mental energy and if it’s not restored, you won’t be able to think properly, and will be more likely to make irrational decisions. Sleep deprivation negatively alters brain activity, slowing reaction time and overall slowing your down. It is no wonder it is difficult to concentrate with little to no sleep.

Lack of sleep and stress also makes it difficult to focus the eyes effectively as you can do when you are well rested, so if you find you experience headaches after a sleepless night, it’s probably because you’re struggling to see.

Treatment With Dr. Shukla

If you are dealing with sleep troubles that don’t seem to be going away no matter what you do, you don’t have to live with them. Don’t be one of the millions of adults struggling with untreated sleep problems.

Let the experts with Dr. Mayank Shukla help you get a good night’s sleep. Doctor Shukla and his team have years of experience in pediatric respiratory medicine, allergy treatment, and sleep apnea therapy to finally get you the rest you want and deserve. If you have more questions about lack of sleep and stress, contact our offices today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Shukla.

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