
5 Side Effects of Sleep Deprivation

You need sleep as much as you need to breathe and eat. Sleep allows your body to repair your physical and mental health and prepare for another day. In children and adolescents, hormones that promote growth are released during sleep. These hormones help build muscle mass as well as make repairs to damaged cells and …

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How to Lessen the Likelihood of Nightmares

Nightmares are dreams that trigger strong feelings of fear, terror, distress, or anxiety. They feel more vivid or intense than a bad dream, and nightmares often cause the sleeper to wake up and experience intense feelings upon waking. People who wake up during a nightmare are likely to remember the details of it. 7 Factors …

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Caffeine: How Much is too Much?

For many of us, it’s a crucial part to beginning our day; a vital fuel necessary before we do anything or talk to anyone. A cup of coffee can be the difference between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde to our family and coworkers. With dozens of different ways to prepare it and often immediate effects, …

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World’s Rarest Sleep Disorders

Up to 40 million Americans currently suffer from some form of chronic sleep disorder. For those unfortunate few, sleep is far from restful, and can cause anxiety about what awaits them when their eyes finally shut. In addition to the sleep deprivation, sleep disorders are often a traumatizing experience for patients and, in extreme cases, …

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7 Ways to Awesome Morning Energy for Your Family

Mornings can be rough for everyone in the family: waking up, preparing for work, getting the kids ready for school, and all while making enough time to squeeze in a healthy breakfast. As a parent, you need to make sure your children are ready and alert for a full day of school while giving yourself …

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4 Innovative Apps that Help Improve Sleep Quality

The quality and duration of your sleep, as well as the phase of sleep you’re in when you wake up, can set your day in motion. It makes sense, then, to invest in getting the best night’s sleep you can. There are mobile phone applications you can download to help monitor sleep, including ones that …

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Don’t Let Halloween Spooks Affect Your Child’s Sleep

Halloween frights are plenty of fun for brave little boys and girls – at least during the daytime, when the lights are on and mom and dad are close to protect them. But when bedtime comes and the lights are out… well, that’s another story. It’s hard enough to teach your kids to learn how …

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Sleep Centers in New York: When You Should Visit One

Insufficient sleep has been declared a public health problem by the CDC: in fact, roughly 60 million Americans suffer from insomnia each year. This is especially true for native New Yorkers, whose hometown earns its title as “the city that never sleeps” by consistently ranking at the top of the nation’s list of most sleep-deprived …

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At What Age Can Irregular Sleep Mean a Sleep Disorder?

Regular sleep is among the most important development factors for children, yet it’s one of the hardest areas in which to establish healthy habits. If children are notoriously difficult to put to bed, how can you know if your child may actually have a sleep disorder? Here is a look at healthy sleep patterns in …

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ADD or Sleep Deprivation? How to Tell the Difference

ADD/ADHD and sleep deficit have some remarkably similar symptoms. It takes a professional eye to really see which one is taking its toll on your child. A misdiagnosis could lead to complications and incorrect medication that can have long-term negative effects. Here are some similarities and differences of the two health issues: Shared Symptoms The …

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