
What Lack of a Sleep Does to the Brain

You may not believe that pulling an all-nighter or getting only six hours of sleep will be that damaging to your health, but that is a serious misconception. Going one day with little or no sleep can have a detrimental impact on your cognitive abilities, and going several days or even weeks without proper rest can have …

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Why Teens Can’t Sleep and Suffer from Insomnia

While it’s not as crucial as it is during adolescence, it’s still very important for teenagers to get 8 ½ to 9 hours of sleep a night. Unfortunately, a recent study found that one-third of teenagers between the ages of 13 and 16 experienced difficulty sleeping at least twice a week. Furthermore, 17 percent of that group was …

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Are These 10 Foods Keeping You Up at Night?

If you’re struggling to get to sleep at night, it might be because of your diet. While sleeplessness is sometimes caused by fatigue, shifting work schedules and jet lag, it can also be caused by certain foods and beverages that are rich in stimulants, protein or fat. Here’s a closer look at some foods and drinks that …

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How Staying Up Late Contributes To Packing on Those Pounds

It’s become common knowledge that teenagers and young adults who stay up too late on school nights don’t perform as well academically as their well-rested peers, but that’s not the only deleterious effect of keeping to an irregular sleep schedule. The Consequences of an Irregular Sleep Schedule A recent study conducted by researchers from the University of California, …

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Natural Ways to Fight Sleep Apnea

Although obstructive sleep apnea has become better known in recent years, 2 to 4 percent of sufferers are not aware that they are afflicted by the disorder. As sleep apnea causes sufferers to stop breathing while they slumber, it’s obviously not a condition that can be left untreated. The best way to treat the illness …

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Six Easy Tips and Tricks and that Help Reduce Chronic Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea is a relatively common disorder where the sufferer has one or more pauses in breathing, or weak breaths, when they are asleep. Because symptoms occur when you aren’t conscious and there are no blood tests that can detect it, sleep apnea often goes undiagnosed. This is a concern to many professionals, as there …

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6 Steps to Help You Get Your Child to Sleep Better

For a variety of reasons, kids can have a hard time falling asleep at night or sleeping for extended periods of time. However, getting several hours of uninterrupted sleep is vital to a child’s physical and psychological development. For this reason, parents should work to ensure their children are getting enough rest. Here are six …

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Learning the Differences Between ADHD and Sleep Disorders

Because they have a number of overlapping symptoms, it can be easy to mistakenly believe that a child has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) instead of a sleep disorder. However, while the two different maladies can sometimes be interrelated, they call for very different courses of treatment. Here’s a closer look at ADHD and a variety …

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How Can You Tell If Your Child Is Losing Sleep?

Has your child suddenly become more accident-prone?  Are they having problems concentrating or retaining new information? And are they finding it hard to fall asleep at night or wake up in the morning? If your child is exhibiting one or all of these symptoms on a regular basis, they may not be getting a good …

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