
Does My Child Have a Cold or Asthma?

Asthma is a condition that affects millions of children and adults across the globe. When one or both parents have asthma, a child will have a greater risk of having lung disease, but the reality is that many children can develop asthma even if there is no family history of the condition. As an asthma …

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Overweight Children May Have a Higher Risk of Developing Asthma

Most parents know that America is struggling with obesity, but do we know what it can do to our children’s health? To some degree we have realized that child health in itself is a struggle, every little cut and cough reflects their health, but how often do we pay attention to their weight? According to …

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How to Live With Your Asthma

Asthma can be a stressful and a debilitating condition, but anyone suffering from the effects of asthma can take comfort knowing that many people (including famous athletes and celebrities) successfully manage their asthma on a daily basis. Even if you suffer from severe asthma, there are many steps you can take to dramatically improve your …

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