
Best Foods for Asthma

Foods That Help Fight Asthma Asthma may not be curable, but there are steps you can take to better equip your body to cope with the condition. The first step in combating asthma symptoms is making lung health a top priority – and that starts with nutrition. While there is no bulletproof anti-asthma diet, there …

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Exercise-Induced Asthma

What is Exercise-Induced Asthma? A strong, healthy body is one of your best proactive defenses against disease. While exercising can cause shortness of breath in anyone, some people experience asthma episodes. During instances like these, you may have respiratory difficulty that is triggered by aerobic exercise that lasts for several minutes. The muscle bands around …

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Signs and Symptoms of Asthma

What are the key symptoms of asthma? It is estimated that in the United States alone, there are 26 million people affected by asthma. And many of these people do not even know they are affected, especially if their symptoms are not severe. However, if left untreated, even mild asthma can be life-threatening. So if …

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Breathing Difficulties vs. Asthma

General Breathing Difficulties vs. Asthma: How to Tell the Difference We have all experienced shortness of breath or difficulty breathing at some point in our lives. Perhaps you were exercising, cleaning dust, exposed to an allergen, or recovering from a sinus infection. Breathing problems are common and can stem from a variety of causes: respiratory …

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Occupational Asthma

What is Occupational Asthma?  “An estimated 11 million workers in a wide range of industries and occupations in the United States are exposed to at least one of the more than 250 substances known or believed to cause occupational asthma.” – The Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Occupational asthma, also known as work-related asthma, is …

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Asthma Facts and Statistics

Facts and Statistics about Asthma Asthma is a very common condition. Just about every American has probably had an encounter with it either from personal experience or from someone they know. To help raise awareness about just how much this health condition affects our country, we’ve compiled a list of asthma facts and statistics. Prevalence …

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Supporting Children with Asthma

Asthma affects people of all ages. As parents, we deal with a wide range of issues and learning how to support our children through difficult periods is what makes us stronger—and brings us closer together. If have children with asthma, you know your job comes with a few extra challenges. Fortunately, there are a number of …

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Managing Asthma in the Home

Eliminating asthma triggers in the home One of the most effective ways to manage asthma in the home is by eliminating asthma triggers or things in the home that can cause asthma attacks. Because triggers vary from person to person, it is important to speak with a doctor to identify your asthma triggers so you …

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How to Keep Your Child’s Asthma Symptoms Under Control

Asthma is a chronic condition which causes your airways to become sore and swollen. This is due to the airways becoming inflamed by everything from allergens (such as mold, pollen, and animal dander), to air pollution or even exercise. In the United States, it is estimated that approximately 20 million people suffer from asthma. Unfortunately, …

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Asthma—A Risk Factor for Sleep Apnea

Many are aware that sleep apnea is caused by constricted breathing at night. However, few know that asthma can be a major contributing factor of whether or not a patient will have symptoms of sleep apnea. What’s more, asthma can make the condition even more difficult for those who have trouble sleeping at night. The …

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