
Asthma and Cold, Dry Air: An Unpleasant Mix

Stepping outside to cold, dry air that smacks you in the face can make the later fall months and winter dreary seasons. For people with asthma, the cold weather can trigger or worsen their symptoms. It can irritate hypersensitive lungs causing inflammation and bronchospasm. The muscles around the irritated bronchial tubes become constricted and more …

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Asthma Treatment: Why it’s Essential

Nearly 26 million Americans suffer from asthma: up to 19 million adults and 7 million children. Life is difficult enough even when you’re properly equipped to tackle the daily challenges asthma presents, but going untreated is putting your health – and life – at serious risk. Even patients with a dedicated asthma specialist and treatment …

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Fall and Asthma: What to Expect

September marks the beginning of many of the year’s greatest milestones: the start of the school year, the first signs of sweater weather, falling leaves, and the advent of the holiday season. However, for asthma patients, fall welcomes a new batch of seasonal asthma triggers that can severely dampen your fall festivities. Learn more about …

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Anxiety and How it Can Affect Your Asthma Symptoms

We all experience undue stress at some point in our lives – for some of us, at some point every day. For patients with an anxiety disorder, overwhelming stress is unfortunately the norm. Nearly 30% of adults in the United States are estimated to suffer from some form of anxiety disorder: over 40 million individuals …

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Is Your Child Wheezing in Their Sleep?

The Possible Reasons Why Your Child Could be Wheezing in Their Sleep Any parent worries when their child is sick, but the anxiety amplifies during the night hours. Parents contact on-call physicians or nurses during the night most commonly for fevers, but the second most common reason is breathing problems, such as wheezing. Children often …

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Is Asthma Genetic?

Asthma and Genetics: is There a Link? Millions of people have been diagnosed with asthma, and while genetics play a significant role in determining your risk for developing asthma, it is not the only factor. Other things like environmental factors or if you have other health issues such as allergies also increase your risk of developing …

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Increasing Lung Capacity

Here’s How You Can Increase Your Lung Capacity You may have heard of the term “lung capacity” in relation to singing or sports, and assumed it only applied to athletes and musicians. However, increasing lung capacity is vital for everyone in order to maintain good cell health, especially as we age. This is especially true …

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New York Pollution and Asthma

How New York Air Pollution Affects Asthma For asthma sufferers, air quality can dramatically impact your quality of life. This is especially the case when air pollution comes into play. Air pollution is an environmental issue New York City has struggled to control throughout its vibrant history, with varying degrees of success. As with all …

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Asthma Attack with No Inhaler? Here’s What to Do

Asthma attack without inhaler can be dangerous.

Asthma is a manageable condition, but certain triggers may be out of your control. It is important that you always have your inhaler with you when you go out – and always be prepared for the worst. But what if the worst does happen? What if you have an asthma attack with no inhaler? Here’s …

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How to Handle Asthma Attacks

Recognizing and Treating Early Signs of Asthma Attacks Asthma attacks can be frightening; both for those having them, as well as for their loved ones who watch them go through the experience. As a friend or family, you may feel helpless or lost when some you care for starts to wheeze, hack or struggle to …

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