
Top 5 Things Every Parent Should Know from their Child’s Asthma Doctor

Childhood asthma is a respiratory disorder that often consists of coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. It’s an issue that your child will have to wrestle with all their life, but there are ways to control it. Here are the top 5 things that you should know from your kid’s asthma doctor. Don’t Get Careless …

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Is Something in the Air? Types of Allergies To Be Aware of in NYC

Put plainly, allergies are not fun. For some people they are annoying, for others downright debilitating. In certain cases, they are even life-threatening. Types of allergies in New York City can often stem from what initially seems ordinary and innocent. Under this mask of harmlessness, an allergen such as a plant or food, can cause …

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Common Asthma Triggers & How to Prevent Them

If your child suffers from asthma, a simple wheeze can be frightening. Fortunately, visiting your asthma doctor for asthma treatments can help you design a long-term plan, and learn to take the proper precautions at home to provide the best breathable environment for your child. Sorry Spot – You’ve Got to Go! Allergies and asthma …

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Helpful Home Remedies for Asthma Treatment

There is no cure for asthma but people can work to control their asthma related symptoms. For many people, asthma changes over time and affects their health in different ways. It is important to find an asthma doctor who will work with you to monitor your symptoms and treat them as necessary. Asthma can affect …

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Does My Child Have a Cold or Asthma?

Asthma is a condition that affects millions of children and adults across the globe. When one or both parents have asthma, a child will have a greater risk of having lung disease, but the reality is that many children can develop asthma even if there is no family history of the condition. As an asthma …

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New Ragweed Allergy Tablets Promote Alternative to Painful Injections

Ragweed and pollen sufferers are likely to feel the effects of their allergies and even though allergy season arrived later than usual, there is only preparation and strategy we can turn to in order to keep symptoms at bay. Luckily ragweed sufferers have a new option to help with ragweed allergies. Earlier this year the Food …

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Survival Tips for Springtime Allergies

Top Survival Tips for Springtime Allergies An allergy is an overreaction of the human immune system to foreign substances, known as allergens, that eaten, breathed in, injected or touched. We cannot see allergens, but we know they are there because our reaction is to cough, sneeze; rub itchy eyes; we wipe runny noses and clear …

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