
How Long Does Hay Fever Last?

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Hay fever is a common condition that affects millions of people every year. In fact, more than one-quarter of American adults deal with it every year. The condition causes sneezing, a runny nose, itchy eyes, and other unwanted allergy symptoms. The condition occurs when your immune system reacts to allergens such as pollen, dust, and …

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Can Allergies Cause Teeth to Hurt?

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Allergies are an extremely common yet somewhat mysterious phenomenon. Sometimes, allergies can produce effects in the body that are wildly different than what one might expect. One such odd effect of allergies is that they can cause the teeth to hurt. Not everyone with allergies will experience this symptom, but it can be a very …

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Surprising Sources of Allergic Symptoms

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Anyone with allergies can tell you they are rough. Spend time around a cat, and your eyes will start watering. Smell a flower in bloom and start sneezing. Dodge bees, stay away from nuts, and keep your epi-pen nearby at all times. However, some surprising sources of allergic symptoms exist that many people remain unaware …

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Can Allergies Fade on Their Own?

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Allergies are a nuisance that can interfere heavily with one’s day-to-day life. In severe cases, they can be life-threatening. Because of the prevalence and danger of allergies, many methods and medications exist to try to curb their influence. That said, allergies can disappear naturally without the need for medical interference. Even if they do not …

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Managing Allergies While Living with a Pet

woman managing her allergies while living with a pet

Allergies can have a massive impact on an individual’s quality of life and ability to manage their day-to-day life. Managing allergies while living with a pet represents a huge step in getting your quality of life back on track and properly handling your health. This can be a challenge when you live with a pet, …

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Understanding Your Allergy Symptom Threshold

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Allergy symptoms can negatively impact your daily life. Whether you face sneezing, a runny nose, or itchy eyes, the impact of allergy symptoms can be brutal. Some people may notice symptoms with the slightest exposure to a trigger, while others may need to reach a higher threshold before their allergy symptoms appear. Understanding your allergy …

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Managing Allergies in the Workplace

The image shows a man in a safety vest blowing his nose as the featured image for Managing Allergies in the Workplace

Allergies can be challenging to deal with, even when an individual feels highly in control of their environment and lifestyle. However, these problems can become even more challenging when an individual is faced with allergy triggers in the workplace, as they will be forced to become exposed to these triggers on a daily basis. Though …

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What Are the Different Types of Allergy Tests?

concept for different types of allergy tests

If you have ever struggled with seasonal allergies or an allergic reaction, you know that there can be a huge variety of symptoms. Because allergies are so vastly different from one another, it can be difficult to pinpoint an individual trigger. To more easily diagnose these allergens, we have developed different types of allergy testing …

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Do You Need Medication to Treat Allergies?

The illustration shows different medications to represent the potential need for medications to treat allergies

Allergies are unfortunate and semi-ubiquitous elements of life for the people they afflict. If left uncontrolled, they can seriously impact one’s quality of life and even cause severe medical reactions in certain individuals. Whether or not you need medication to treat your allergies will depend largely on how your allergies express themselves and their general …

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Why Do Only Some People Develop Allergies?

The image shows a woman sneezing due an allergic reaction. It serves to answer the question why only some people develop allergies.

People can be allergic to a wide range of triggers, which can interfere with their ability to function in day-to-day activities. However, not all people are susceptible to developing allergies. Why certain people develop allergies and others do not can be very complicated. Much of it has to do with complex intersections of personal, genealogical, and …

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