
Can A Lack of Sleep Kill You?

We all have been taught that between eight and ten hours of sleep is what you need to be fully rested, but who has the time for that? Many of us try to find areas in our lives that we can cut out to accommodate our busy schedules, and sleep gets the ax more times than we care to admit. Especially with coffee and energy drinks so readily available, we are conditioned to believe that we can make up for lost sleep during the day using other methods. But can a lack of sleep kill you? Dr. Shukla can help inform you about the link between sleep, sleep disorders, and your body’s health.

Is a Lack of Sleep Truly Dangerous?

Sleep is a vital part of your health with direct effects on your body and mind. Studies have shown that lack of sleep has been linked to diabetes, heart problems, obesity, and depression. Ultimately, the less sleep you are getting, the more likely you are to develop a possibly fatal problem. Lack of sleep may not kill you directly, but it could lead to other complications that have a high mortality rate. Although each individual is different and requires a unique amount of sleep, it is important to make sure you are getting enough rest. If you are constantly tired, moody without cause, and have low energy, you most likely are not getting enough sleep each night and should devote more time to something that can help your body recover and heal. Dr. Shukla believes that sleep is a recovery mode for the body and is of the utmost importance.

How Sleep Affects the Body

Sleep is an amazing function of the body that is like a self-recovery mode to help your body become rejuvenated and heal. There is a reason why the doctor prescribes liquids and sleep when you are sick: these are literally the things that are essential to your life. Without the correct amount of sleep, you are putting your body at risk because it cannot properly heal itself. While you may find some of the symptoms, such as yawning and irritability, a minor setback, there are gradual changes happening physiologically when you do not prioritize time for your body to recover during sleep. A weakened immune system is a common result of sleep deprivation, so if you are devoting time to other areas of your life at the expense of sleep, your body will eventually force you to rest. Lack of sleep also increases your risk of high blood pressure, weight gain, and diabetes, which all directly affect how well your body functions. Some studies have found that getting less than 6 to 8 hours of sleep can increase the risk of early death by 12 percent.

How Sleep Affects the Mind

The mind is also directly affected by lack of sleep, which makes day-to-day tasks extremely hard. Your nervous system can only function properly when you get enough sleep, and lack of sleep prevents the neurons in your brain from forming. This makes it hard for your brain to retain the information it acquired during the day, leading to memory loss. This also leaks into your creative ability and your mood, making you less effective at concentrating and solving problems. Mood changes are not only annoying but can affect your job and relationships negatively, as well as make you more prone to accidents because of your cognitive dissonance.

Ultimately, you will never be able to reach your full potential if you do not give sleep the priority it deserves, and if you allow sleep deprivation to continue unchecked, could increase your risk of early death. Don’t let a lack of sleep be the reason you are miserable, talk with Dr. Shukla today about how to combat insomnia and apply proper sleeping habits.

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