
Breathing Exercises for Kids

It is crucial to be able to help your child if they have asthma. Your child’s breathing patterns may change when they have an asthma attack, and the symptoms may be exacerbated as a result of panic. They may start breathing faster, which can increase their anxiety. Often, they won’t know how to come down from this attack on their own. Regulating their breathing is essential to reduce anxiety. Let’s look at some key breathing exercises for kids, especially those with asthma.

Breathing Exercises for Kids

Your child’s condition can be calmed by breathing techniques until they are able to visit their asthma doctor in New York City. Deep, deliberate breathing can help calm the mind and body. It redirects the mind to a simple task that distracts from anxious thoughts. Below are some of the most effective breathing exercises for kids that our young patients find to be very effective.

Smell Flowers

The smell the roses method is another great way to regulate your child’s breathing. Your child can pretend that they are inhaling the fragrance of their favorite flower. This familiar idea will help your child learn how to breathe deeply and slowly. This will help to slow down their heartbeat and calm them down. Continue the exercise until your child can breathe normally again. When they take each breath, make sure that they inhale fully.

As with the previous technique, it is important to make sure your child understands that this is a calm breathing technique and not a fun game. But when executed the right way, this takes “stop and smell the roses” to a whole new level!

Blow Bubbles

This method is especially useful for young children, as they already know how to do this fun activity. Your child can pretend that they are blowing bubbles with a bubble wand. If their anxiety is particularly bad, you can use a real bottle of bubble soap and a bubble wand. This technique is similar to deep breathing exercises that calm anxious breathing. However, it’s easy for your child to understand as they have a visual representation. Between each bubble they blow, have them take a few moments to relax.

This breathing technique can be used to calm anxiety, not as an activity. If they ever find themselves in a stressful situation, they will be able to blow a bubble to calm them down. Eventually, their breaths will become slower and more steady.

Breathe Deeply

Deep breathing exercises can be explained to your child if they are older and have a better understanding of the nature of asthma. Deep breathing exercises are designed to help your child develop a slow, controlled breathing pattern. This helps them to reduce anxiety and bring their heart rate back to a normal pace by breathing slowly and in a controlled pattern. Begin by taking a deep inhale, then expanding their diaphragm for five seconds. Have them count the time until it becomes more regularized. Then, hold their breath for 2 seconds and release again after a count of 5. This 5,2,5 pattern has proved to be very effective in helping kids control their breathing.

How to Help Your Children Belly Breathe

Breathing from the belly is the best way to ensure that these breathing techniques are embraced to their full potential. Here are a couple of extra tips that Dr. Shukla has found to be especially helpful among younger patients:

Practice Only When Calm

When teaching belly breathing, it is important to remember to do so when your child is calm. If a child feels relaxed, they will be able to practice this technique in times of anxiety or stress. Richardson suggests that children practice at night before going to bed. This can be a good way to help them fall asleep regardless of whether they are anxious.

Start at a Young Age

Children of all ages can benefit from deep breathing. Even though toddlers may struggle to grasp the concept of belly breath, parents can help them slow down their breathing when they are angry or upset. Elementary school children will be better prepared to learn the basic principles of belly breathing.

Visit Your Premier Asthma Clinic Today

If you do not take the necessary precautions, asthma can cause severe disruption to your child’s day. For more information on potential treatment options, contact your trusted pediatric pulmonologist in Manhattan to schedule a personal consultation. It’s important that your child stops suffering from the effects of untreated asthma, as it can worsen with age. Make sure the whole family is on the right track to good health!

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