
Pampering Your Child’s Nose

If your child suffers from pet dander, plant, mold or dust allergies, they probably have to blow their nose repeatedly when their condition is triggered. Unfortunately, frequently blowing one’s nose can result in it becoming chapped and painfully inflamed. However, by taking a few simple steps, you can ensure that your child does not have to deal …

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Why Teens Can’t Sleep and Suffer from Insomnia

While it’s not as crucial as it is during adolescence, it’s still very important for teenagers to get 8 ½ to 9 hours of sleep a night. Unfortunately, a recent study found that one-third of teenagers between the ages of 13 and 16 experienced difficulty sleeping at least twice a week. Furthermore, 17 percent of that group was …

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Are These 10 Foods Keeping You Up at Night?

If you’re struggling to get to sleep at night, it might be because of your diet. While sleeplessness is sometimes caused by fatigue, shifting work schedules and jet lag, it can also be caused by certain foods and beverages that are rich in stimulants, protein or fat. Here’s a closer look at some foods and drinks that …

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Three Easy Steps to Calm Yourself and Prevent an Asthma Attack

Asthma attacks can be very frightening because they impair the sufferer’s ability to draw breath. Untreated, a severe asthma attack can even be life-threatening as an asthmatic’s bronchial tubes can tighten to the point where they cannot take in any oxygen. While the best way to treat an attack is with rescue medication, like an albuterol inhaler, there are a …

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How Staying Up Late Contributes To Packing on Those Pounds

It’s become common knowledge that teenagers and young adults who stay up too late on school nights don’t perform as well academically as their well-rested peers, but that’s not the only deleterious effect of keeping to an irregular sleep schedule. The Consequences of an Irregular Sleep Schedule A recent study conducted by researchers from the University of California, …

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Can You Outgrow Those Allergies?

If you had a childhood allergy that was incredibly debilitating that no longer affects you or if you have a child who suffers from allergies, you may be wondering if it’s possible to  outgrow an allergic reaction certain substances. The answer is yes, depending on the nature of the allergy, whether or not it was an allergy or …

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Asthma and the Food You Feed Your Child

Managing your child’s asthma means more than just making sure their control medication and albuterol inhaler are refilled regularly. It’s also important to create a diet for them that promotes lung health, keeps airways open and reduces the effect their illness has on their quality of life. Apples In addition to being a good source …

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Will My Child Ever Grow Out of Having Asthma?

Although there have been substantial advancements in the treatment of asthma in recent years, the illness is not yet curable. Despite some media reports to the contrary, childhood asthma does not go away over time. However, it is possible that your child has an illness that has symptoms similar to asthma or their asthma could …

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