
Don’t Ignore These Food Allergy Symptoms!

The best-known symptom of a food allergy is an anaphylactic shock, a condition that occurs when a person’s immune system has an intense overreaction to a, harmless, substance it perceives as being a threatening invader. However, the disorder also has other less severe symptoms. Typically, these symptoms present themselves the first, or second, time someone …

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Anxiety and Sleep Disorders In Your Children

Although parents work hard to protect their children from trauma and anxiety, the unfortunate reality is, it’s impossible to completely filter out aspects of the world that kids will find deeply upsetting. Children who feel stressed, as a result of anxiety, have a high chance of developing a disruptive sleep disorder. Resistance to Settling After …

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Tips for Keeping Your Children Safe From Pet Allergies

Parents of children, with pet allergies, face a pretty difficult dilemma. Without a doubt, parents want to keep their kids’ allergies under control, however, they don’t want to put their beloved, family pet up for adoption. Here are a few tips on how to make your home a welcoming place for, both, your children and …

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Is Your Child Stressed Out?

These days, children have to deal with significant demands on their time. Whereas previous generations only had to be concerned about maintaining their grades, social life and extracurricular responsibilities, the rise of the Internet upset that paradigm. While new technology allows kids to access information and remain connected to friends and family, studies have shown …

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Five Lessons Learned About My Child’s Asthma Attacks

Asthma Attacks: 5 Valuable Lessons It can be a very frightening time when a parent finds out that their child has asthma. Although asthma has no cure, there are a number of treatment options available that can be used to make the condition manageable. The first step, in helping your child adapt to their new …

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Battling Air Pollutants: Ground Zero Patients Suffer from Respiratory Problems

Air Pollutants and Respiratory Problems The September 11th terrorist attacks were incredibly devastating for New York City. In addition to the thousands of people who lost their lives that day, the destruction of the World Trade Center released a vast amount of pollutants into the air. In fact, the varied amount of hazardous materials, released …

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How Do I Know if My Child is Getting Enough Sleep?

As children progress into adolescence, they tend to pull away from their parents to establish their own identities. Although this is necessary part of growing up, children can put their health at risk by not telling their parents about their health issues. For example, pre-adolescents and teens often struggle to get enough sleep for a variety …

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Are Air Fresheners the Cause for Your Allergic and Asthmatic Reactions?

For allergy and asthma sufferers, a big part of making sure their conditions don’t negatively affect their quality of life consists of avoiding potential triggers. Traditionally, it’s recommended that those with asthma and allergies make sure their homes and work areas are free from irritating substances such as mold spores, pet dander, dust mites, plant pollen, smoke, …

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Can Video Games Help with Asthma?

A recent study made an intriguing discovery about the relationship between video games and asthma. Over the course of an 8 week experiment, carried out by researchers from the Nove de Julho University in Brazil, it was found that children who played an active video game for at least 30 minutes a day had reduced pulmonary inflammation and improved lung function. …

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Sleep Disorders Cause Poor Grades: How To Overcome This

When it comes to children, there are few things as important to their mental and physical health as getting enough sleep. If youth don’t get the recommended 9 to 10 hours of sleep a night, they run the risk of developing serious problems like attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity and defiant behavior that will negatively affect their social maturation. …

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