
Occupational Asthma

What is Occupational Asthma?  “An estimated 11 million workers in a wide range of industries and occupations in the United States are exposed to at least one of the more than 250 substances known or believed to cause occupational asthma.” – The Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Occupational asthma, also known as work-related asthma, is …

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Dealing with Dust Allergies

Dust Allergies: Symptoms and Treatment When most people think of allergies, they typically think of pollen, animal dander, or food allergies like peanuts. With so many different allergy causes, it can sometimes be difficult to determine that something like dust is the real culprit. If your attempts to rid yourself of a mysterious allergy have …

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How to Deal with Insect Allergies

Insect Allergies: Diagnosis and Treatment Summer has officially begun, and with it higher temperatures as well as, unfortunately, insects.  As you and your friends and family enjoy the outdoors more often, keep in mind that an insect sting is a very real possibility. Unfortunately, distinguishing between the normal pain of the sting and an allergic …

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Latex Allergy: What You Need to Know

Latex Allergy: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Anyone who has been to a doctor’s office and seen or felt their gloves has a pretty good idea of what latex is like. For this reason, many people will likely be surprised to learn that a material like this can cause allergy symptoms in the same way pollen, …

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Allergy Facts and Statistics

Allergies have always been a very common condition, but unfortunately not everyone is prepared to handle them. If the population has the proper awareness of allergies and treatment plans, many report allergy complication could be avoided. To help raise awareness and encourage more people to take better care of their allergies, here are some allergy …

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Asthma Facts and Statistics

Facts and Statistics about Asthma Asthma is a very common condition. Just about every American has probably had an encounter with it either from personal experience or from someone they know. To help raise awareness about just how much this health condition affects our country, we’ve compiled a list of asthma facts and statistics. Prevalence …

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Drug Allergies: Symptoms and Treatments

Diagnosing and Treating Drug Allergies Have you been experiencing strange symptoms seemingly out of the blue? It could be that you are merely experiencing the side effects of a medication you have been taking. Or, it could be a drug allergy. Since distinguishing between allergy symptoms and side effects can be tricky, we’ll go over …

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Sleep Disorders: Narcolepsy

Understanding Narcolepsy Everyone has had experience with going to bed late or having a rough time trying to fall asleep, whether it be a late night out with friends, the struggle to fall asleep before a stressful day, or cramming before a big test. We all have an idea of how brutal daytime sleepiness can …

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Diagnosing and Treating Sinusitis Sinusitis can be a bit tricky to diagnose. Its symptoms could be brought on by a variety of causes — it may take the form of a sinus headache (which could be a symptom of dehydration or stress) — or it could give you nasal congestion or a cough (which might …

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Supporting Children with Asthma

Asthma affects people of all ages. As parents, we deal with a wide range of issues and learning how to support our children through difficult periods is what makes us stronger—and brings us closer together. If have children with asthma, you know your job comes with a few extra challenges. Fortunately, there are a number of …

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