
Asthma Attack with No Inhaler? Here’s What to Do

Asthma attack without inhaler can be dangerous.

Asthma is a manageable condition, but certain triggers may be out of your control. It is important that you always have your inhaler with you when you go out – and always be prepared for the worst. But what if the worst does happen? What if you have an asthma attack with no inhaler? Here’s …

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Catching Up on Lost Sleep

Is it Actually Possible to Catch Up on Lost Sleep? While the National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults aged 18 to 64 get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a day, this may prove challenging for some people. Full-time students, parents of young children, and people with second and third shift jobs are just a …

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Skin Allergies

What are Skin Allergies? Skin allergies can be caused by a variety of factors. These can include immune system disorders, medications, and/or infections. Something touches your skin, and your immune system responds to the allergen, triggering the attack. It overreacts and sends antibodies to help fight the allergen. The result is a red, itchy rash, …

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Sleep Hygiene

Sleep Hygiene: Overcoming Sleeping Problems Time is a funny thing when you should have been asleep hours ago. You wait for sleep behind closed eyes, and the seconds draw out. But when you check the clock, precious time raced by. You’re going to be so tired tomorrow. At times like this, the most obvious solution …

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Yoga and Sleep Quality

Does Yoga Lead to Better Sleep Quality? India’s civilization, and its cultural accomplishments, are very old and varied. Its people have produced several traditional medical systems. From the Ayurvedic system, the Charaka Samhita reads, “Happiness, misery, nourishment, emaciation, strength, weakness, virility, sterility, knowledge, ignorance, life and death — all these occur depending on proper or …

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Allergy Desensitization

Allergy Desensitization: Does It Work? Allergies can dramatically affect your quality of life, posing substantial limits on your environment, diet, and lifestyle. While medication is effective in managing your allergy symptoms, it is also possible to treat your allergy at its source. Allergy desensitization, known as allergen immunotherapy, aims to confront the causes – not …

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How to Handle Asthma Attacks

Recognizing and Treating Early Signs of Asthma Attacks Asthma attacks can be frightening; both for those having them, as well as for their loved ones who watch them go through the experience. As a friend or family, you may feel helpless or lost when some you care for starts to wheeze, hack or struggle to …

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Blue Light and Sleep Quality

Does Blue Light Actually Affect Our Sleep Cycle? Light at night disrupts your health, and exposure to blue light is especially problematic. Light throws the body’s biological clock out of rhythm, shifting our circadian rhythm. Sleep suffers. But not all colors of light have the same effect. Commonly emitted by electronics and energy-efficient light bulbs, …

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Allergies and City Living

City Living and How it Affects Allergies Lots of people enjoy living the city life. However, if you live in a big city, you may be more prone to allergies. This is because toxins can cause asthma, and pollution can result in dry eyes and allergies. Plus, there’s always the dreaded spring allergy season, which …

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Best Foods for Asthma

Foods That Help Fight Asthma Asthma may not be curable, but there are steps you can take to better equip your body to cope with the condition. The first step in combating asthma symptoms is making lung health a top priority – and that starts with nutrition. While there is no bulletproof anti-asthma diet, there …

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