
Child Sleep Disorders

Common Child Sleep Disorders Sleep is important to a child’s health. Learning how to sleep soundly is an essential part of development. It is typical – for various reasons – for children to wake up during the night. However, returning to sleep may be difficult at times for children. Sleep deprivation in children can lead …

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The Rarest Allergies

The Rarest Allergies in the World Regardless of what allergy you have, any form of hypersensitivity is inconvenient at best and life-threatening at worst. Fortunately, the more common allergies have a modicum of public knowledge on their side, with the majority of allergens relatively avoidable in your daily life. Moreover, the more common your allergy …

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Foods that Help Kids Sleep

The Perfect Foods to Help Your Kids Sleep It’s difficult to ensure your kids sleep on a regular schedule, especially when they are younger and want nothing more than to stay up with their parents. Certain foods can ease a child into a sleepy state where they are ready for bed themselves and other types of foods …

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New York Pollution and Asthma

How New York Air Pollution Affects Asthma For asthma sufferers, air quality can dramatically impact your quality of life. This is especially the case when air pollution comes into play. Air pollution is an environmental issue New York City has struggled to control throughout its vibrant history, with varying degrees of success. As with all …

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White Noise Can Improve your Child’s Sleep Quality

Improve Your Child’s Quality of Sleep with White Noise White noise can play a complex role in helping a child maintain healthy sleep hygiene. It’s hard to get a child to sleep and creating a routine can be an important part of getting your kid to bed. Adding a white noise machine or using a …

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How Doctors Test for Allergies

If your allergies won’t let up, it may be time to see your doctor. A detailed diagnosis also includes multiple steps to treat allergies as best as possible. The number of people who suffer from allergies or asthma keeps increasing. These ailments affect approximately 40 to 50 million Americans. Since allergies are so common, doctors …

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Restless Legs Syndrome

Restless Legs Syndrome: An Overview If you’re overcome by the painful urge to constantly move your legs, or by unconscious kicking and jerking that’s keeping you awake at night, you’re not alone. Restless legs syndrome (RLS) affects up to 7-10% of adults in the US population, with approximately 2% of RLS patients being children. However, …

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How to Handle a Dangerous Allergic Reaction

What to Do if an Allergic Reaction Becomes Dangerous Millions of Americans suffer from allergies, and while most of them only experience mild to moderate symptoms, others can be at risk for potentially deadly allergic reactions.  Here is a list of signs that you’re having an allergic reaction and what to do if it becomes …

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Sleep Deprivation in New York

Do You Find it Hard to Sleep in New York? Old, sepia photographs of New York City from just a hundred years ago show a landscape of buildings only a few stories tall. It’s a shocking contrast to the monoliths of today; but evidence that we built from the ground up. It seems obvious, but …

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Common Cold or Allergies?

Common Cold or Allergies? How to Tell the Two Apart Sometimes it’s hard to distinguish between allergies and a cold. Others may run from you, thinking you’re contagious, but in reality, you may just be suffering from a bad case of allergies. Like a cold, allergy symptoms can include runny nose, a cough, sneezing, and …

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