
What You Need to Know about Chronotherapy

Sometimes, even symptoms have their own schedule. This may be the obvious case in relation to sleep disorders, but even respiratory conditions like asthma have daily phases where the symptoms flare and wane in sync with your biological clock. This is due to your body’s circadian rhythm, which operates down to a cellular level. Certain …

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Are Your Kids Always Tired in the Morning?

Being tired in the morning after a late night or hard day isn’t something to worry over, but what about after a good night’s sleep? Do you find that your children are tired even when they’re put to bed on time? Sleep hygiene is a major part of ensuring that your child has a good …

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Why Do We Sneeze? Allergies and Other Triggers

Sneezing is an involuntary reflex that we are socially conditioned to suppress, which can be tricky when a sneeze takes you by surprise. Unlike most respiratory symptoms, sneezes seem to have a vast array of direct and indirect triggers. While we all sneeze when infected with the cold or flu, some of us also sneeze …

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Medications that can Interfere with Sleep

Prescription medications are designed to cure you of disease and discomfort, and for the most they’re highly effective at doing their job. However, this cure may come at the cost of other unwanted side effects, especially when it comes to sleep. It’s a painful tradeoff: symptom relief for insomnia. In fact, up to 20% of …

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Sleep Deprivation and How it Can Hurt You

It’s hard to get a full night’s rest. Staying up late because of children, work, or just wanting to squeeze in an extra hour of leisure often keeps you up past the optimal bedtime. Every day you miss an hour of sleep, you begin to accumulate a sleep debt that is hard to overcome. Here …

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Anxiety and How it Can Affect Your Asthma Symptoms

We all experience undue stress at some point in our lives – for some of us, at some point every day. For patients with an anxiety disorder, overwhelming stress is unfortunately the norm. Nearly 30% of adults in the United States are estimated to suffer from some form of anxiety disorder: over 40 million individuals …

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6 Reasons Your Child Keeps Waking Up

Regardless of whether you’re a new parent or a seasoned veteran, instilling good sleeping habits in the kids is always a battle – one that’s won or lost every single night. The truth of the matter is that people rarely sleep continuously through the night; parents and children alike. The deciding factor, rather, is not …

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What are the Best Ways to Cope with Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a common and potentially life-threatening sleep disorder where breathing frequently stops and starts again as you sleep. Here’s a list of the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea as well as ways to cope with and treat this disorder. Types of Sleep Apnea There are three main forms of sleep apnea, which …

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What is Cross-Reactivity?

Allergies can be caused by a variety of factors. These could vary from animal products, mites, molds, latex, pollen, medicines, plants, venom, as well as food. Most of the non-food related allergies can be accompanied by reactions in the mouth or the gastrointestinal tract.  Food related allergies, on the other hand, can be accompanied by …

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5 Ways to Help Your Child Fall Asleep

It’s the end of the night and your child just won’t settle down. They want to stay up and have fun until they drop from exhaustion, but you have work in the morning and need a good night’s rest and, really, they do as well. Here are five ways to ease your child into that …

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