
Does Sunlight Make You Sneeze?

It’s not an allergy… If you sneeze when suddenly exposed to sunlight or other bright lights, you’re not alone: research estimates that up to 30% of all humans share this peculiar trait, known as the “photic sneeze reflex.” Even Aristotle documented his confusion on the matter, writing in his Book of Problems: “Why does the …

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This is How Caffeine Affects Sleep

Drinking coffee might be a great way to round off an evening meal or perk you up in the late afternoon, but it may disrupt your sleep quality when you retire for the night. Because it is a stimulant, caffeine can delay the timing of your body clock and reduce the amount of deep sleep …

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Sleeplessness and How it Affects Your Child at School

Late nights and the stresses of just being a kid combined with early school start times is enough to deprive our children of essential sleep. And sleep is a critical part of a child’s health and development. Sleep deprivation – whether too short or of poor quality – can cause specific changes in your child’s …

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Asthma Treatment: Why it’s Essential

Nearly 26 million Americans suffer from asthma: up to 19 million adults and 7 million children. Life is difficult enough even when you’re properly equipped to tackle the daily challenges asthma presents, but going untreated is putting your health – and life – at serious risk. Even patients with a dedicated asthma specialist and treatment …

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Child Snoring? Here are the Common Culprits

Many, if not all, children snore on occasion. Loud and regular nightly snoring is a common culprit to sleep disorders such as sleep apnea. If you are concerned that your child is suffering from sleep apnea, consult your physician for treatment options. To help you get started, we have compiled the common causes of snoring …

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Why Do We Yawn?

Yawning is ubiquitous across the animal kingdom, but remains one of the few essential reflexes that scientists have still yet to understand. It is a known indicator of empathy, even across species: yawn enough and even your dog will follow. Even fetuses yawn from within the womb. Yet despite its widespread commonality, there still lacks …

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Dealing with Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, is a hereditary and chronic skin disorder that can occur at any age. It most often affects infants and young children, and may last until the child reaches adolescence or adulthood. It typically causes the skin to itch, turn red, and flake. Different triggers can make it worse, including …

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REM Sleep Behavior Disorder in Children

It can be difficult to settle down at night, relax and get the sleep that you need, especially so with kids. If your child suffers from consistent sleep disturbances and troubles, it might be time to examine what is affecting their sleep. Given the extensive effects of poor sleep for childhood development, getting quality sleep …

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4 Products Designed to Help Improve Sleep Quality

The importance of quality sleep cannot be overstated – from keeping your appetite in check to regulating your blood pressure and cholesterol, the proper amount of sleep ensures your body is functioning at its best. To get you started, here are 4 products designed to help improve sleep quality. 1. Sleep Cycle App Sleep Cycle App …

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Fall and Asthma: What to Expect

September marks the beginning of many of the year’s greatest milestones: the start of the school year, the first signs of sweater weather, falling leaves, and the advent of the holiday season. However, for asthma patients, fall welcomes a new batch of seasonal asthma triggers that can severely dampen your fall festivities. Learn more about …

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