
Top 5 Common Allergy FAQ’s

In the United States, 1 in 5 people experience allergies of some sort. There are various forms of allergies that can cause several different reactions in the body. An allergy can be hard to identify at times, which makes it difficult to find the proper solution or treatment if necessary. Here are the most frequently …

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Just How Much Sleep Do Kids Need?

Children grow and need guidance as they evolve each day. Parenting is an arsenal of ever changing tactics. Everyone has their own way of parenting. One realm of parenting that has been debated over time is the sleep schedule of children. Sleep is essential to living a healthy life for everyone, especially children. To evaluate …

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Managing Dog Allergies

Having allergies to man’s best friend doesn’t mean you have to be constantly isolated from dogs out on the street or even in your own home. 37%-47% of households own dogs and every U.S. home has been found to have varying levels of dander, yes, including those that do not even have dogs. It may seem …

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Climate and Adult Onset Asthma: How They’re Related

While environmental allergens and pollutants such as pollen and animal dander can trigger common respiratory problems like an asthma attack, a change in weather— from extreme cold to extreme heat — can do the same. Common Weather Triggers Common weather triggers that can aggravate asthma symptoms include: Cold air. Chilly temperatures can prompt a cold …

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Can You Get Asthma Later in Life?

What is Asthma? Asthma is a respiratory disease, in which various stimuli including allergens and irritants cause obstruction of the airways. As a result, constricted muscles around the airway and inflammation increase the swelling of the lining and secretion of mucous. This causes difficulty in breathing and coughing. The most common causes of asthma attacks …

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7 Frequently Asked Questions about Living with Asthma

At times, dealing with asthma can seem like an overwhelming ordeal. Always having to be wary of asthma triggers and what to do in the event of an attack can be taxing on a sufferer’s well being. With the right information, however, living a life with asthma can be manageable and simple. Here are answers …

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Childhood Allergies: Will They Go Away?

Your immune system protects your body against harmful substances such as viruses. But if your immune system is overly sensitive, it reacts to allergens such as pollen and specific foods. One of the many ways your body reacts to these allergens is to increase mucus production, which causes sneezing, nasal swelling, itchiness in your nose …

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6 Tips to Reduce the Risk of Asthma Attacks in Winter

For people with asthma, winter is a dreary season. It can trigger or increase their risks of attack. It can irritate hypersensitive lungs, causing inflammation and bronchospasm. The muscles around the irritated bronchial tubes become constricted and narrower, making it harder to breathe. An increase of mucus in the lungs can limit breathing, resulting in …

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What Does a Sleep Study Involve?

According to the Better Sleep Council, “Half of Americans say they don’t get enough sleep, but less than half of them take any one specific action to help them get better sleep.” Seeing as healthy sleeping habits are among the most important aspects of a healthy lifestyle, it would seem strange that so many Americans …

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The Safest Ways to Test for Allergies

If you have an allergy, your immune system overreacts to a substance you inhaled, touched, or ate. But how can you be sure which allergens are responsible for your symptoms? Allergy tests, combined with a physical examination and medical history, can give precise information about what you are, as well as what you are not, …

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