
Why a Lack of Sleep Makes You Feel So Terrible

Depressed Man Lying In His Bed And Feeling Bad

After a night of no sleep, everyone feels awful. No matter what caused the sleepless night, the day after is terrible for everybody. A lack of sleep is followed by headaches, nausea and body aches. We often take sleep for granted, but when we don’t get enough, we realize just how important it is. Sleep …

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Summer Allergy Symptoms

Allergy. Child is blowing his nose near tree in bloom.

For most, summer days are well spent at the beach or outdoor barbecues. For others, sniffling, sneezing and stuffy noses keep them at bay. Welcome to summer allergy season. It keeps going long after pollen season is over and June showers are gone. Many of the same triggers are to blame and it is pesky, …

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Summer Sleeping Tips for Beating the Heat

Beautiful Woman Waking Up

The heat of the summer is upon us. The temperature is rising. Some would say, too hot. It’s all fun and games while you’re swimming in the pool and sipping on your favorite drink soaking up the sun, but then evening falls. A hot bedroom can leave you uncomfortable, disrupting the quality of your sleep, …

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Is it Better to Sleep Warm or Cold?

Young Beautiful Blonde Woman Portrait Lying In Bed

Do you toss and turn at night or wake up periodically? Are you too hot or too cold when trying to go to sleep? For most people, the temperature has to be set just right in order to sleep well. If you didn’t know, the thermostat can either make or break your good night’s sleep. …

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Why Do Antihistamine Medications Make You Sleepy?


Drowsiness is one of the main side effects of some antihistamines, such as diphenhydramine, which can be found in Benedryl and doxylamine succinate, which is found in Nyquil. And because of their powerful sedating abilities, antihistamines are also the main ingredients that are found in many over-the-counter sleep aids. But why do antihistamine medications make …

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Top Diet Tips for Foods That Fight Allergies


Antihistamine and allergy shots are not the only way to battle seasonal allergies. If allergy symptoms – such as a runny nose, watery eyes and congestion – are wreaking havoc in your daily life, eating a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables can help reduce the symptoms. Here is a list of foods that …

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Common Causes of Chronic Coughing

A chronic cough is way more than just an annoyance. A chronic cough can interrupt your sleep and leave you feeling exhausted for days. Severe cases of chronic cough can cause vomiting, lightheadedness and even rib fractures. Causes of chronic coughs can create symptoms that lasts eight weeks or longer in adults, or four weeks …

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Common Beach Allergies

Close-up Of A Young Woman Rubbing Irritated Sensitive Eyes On

For most, summer days are well spent at the beach or outdoor barbecues. For others, common beach allergies keep them at bay. Despite lower pollen counts at the beach than the inland, summer allergy triggers are pesky, especially around the shore. Sunscreen Allergy The use of sunscreens is a routine part of our lives as …

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What Causes Common Spring Allergies?

Little caucasian boy has allergies from yellow flower

Spring is beautiful. It’s a wonderful time of year when the temperatures start to rise and everything is in bloom. But it’s also a key time of year for seasonal allergies, where many suffer from runny roses, itchy eyes and constant sneezing. Depending on what you’re allergic to, allergy symptoms may last through the summer. …

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The Difference in How Men and Women Sleep

Beautiful Afro American Woman

You already know that men and women are different in a lot of ways. One of these ways include sleep habits. As surprising as it may seem, there are many differences between the two sexes when it comes to getting their zzz’s. The amount of sleep that they require and the sleep challenges that they …

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