
Is Sleeping Too Much Bad for You?

“How many hours of sleep should I be getting every night?” This question has been a regular debate for decades of time. Our-hard working American culture prides itself on long work hours. But, this has made it difficult for millions of us to get enough sleep at night. Most of us agree that anywhere from …

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How Do You Get Rid of Spring Allergies?

Closeup woman stomach ache

Spring is a tough season for those who deal with seasonal allergies. Spring is a tough season for those who deal with seasonal allergies. Pollens and dust particles are floating all throughout the air. Every day can feel like a battlefield in your lungs. Has this been an ongoing problem for you? Dr. Shukla is …

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Can A Lack of Sleep Kill You?

Female hand holding glass with red wine on blurred background, c

We all have been taught that between eight and ten hours of sleep is what you need to be fully rested, but who has the time for that? Many of us try to find areas in our lives that we can cut out to accommodate our busy schedules, and sleep gets the ax more times …

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Breathing Exercises for Stress

Stress can happen for a variety of reasons. We all encounter stress in our daily lives, whether there’s a project at work due or a huge school exam coming up. Perhaps we have to have a difficult conversation with a family member, and the looming anticipation is causing stress. All of these situations induce stress …

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What Should You Do If Your Child Has Pneumonia?

Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs, and it can be bacterial or viral. The alveoli (air sacs) in the lungs fill up with pus and other fluids, making it harder for oxygen to reach the bloodstream. Pneumonia tends to be more common in children. If your child has any of the signs or symptoms …

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Best Resources for Those Suffering from Allergies

For those suffering from allergies, sleepless nights, dry eyes, flaky skin, and consistent irritation are just a few of the symptoms that can often be experienced. However, with the help of professionals, developments in research, and accessible alternatives to relieve symptoms, there are effective resources available to those who are suffering from allergies. For more …

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Can Allergies Make You Tired?

Congestion, headache, runny nose, — these are just some allergy symptoms that can affect your everyday life if they’re not treated with the proper care. Perhaps one of the most invasive symptoms that becomes a nuisance to everyday life is the overall feeling of fatigue that allergies bring about. Also known as “brain fog,” this …

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Is Dry Air or Humid Air Better for You?

During the winter, the cold, dry air combines with high use of indoor heating, leading to low levels of humidity. You may not realize this can increase your risk of catching colds, the flu, and other infections. Visit Dr. Shukla, your pulmonologist in New York, for help treating respiratory infections. It turns out those humid days …

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What is Allergic Rhinitis?

Have you been sneezing consistently? Or do you find that your nose is often stuffy? Maybe you experience dryness in your eyes, mouth, or skin? Whether you have a history of suffering from allergies or recently have reason to believe that you are experiencing symptoms currently, it is important to find the root of the …

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Animal Allergy Symptoms

Finding out you’re allergic to your furry little friend isn’t any fun, but neither is living with allergies day in and day out. Pet allergies can leave you feeling drowsy, sneezy, and overall very ill. While some animal inducing allergies can be managed with the right over-the-counter medication, some are so severe that you may …

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