
The Hidden Costs of Air Pollution

We may think we are saving money and time with many things that contribute to air pollution. In reality, we are taking years off our lives and putting more money into curing the diseases that it causes. Air pollution is causing more and more lung and heart disease than ever before. Clean oxygen is absolutely …

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New Allergy Cure Also Prevents Food Allergies

Sleepy woman on table with copy space. Beauty young woman in paj

Researchers report a breakthrough discovery in allergy medicine. The research, published in Nature Medicine, found a species of infant gut bacteria that protects against food allergies. The findings have the potential to create a sea-change in allergy prevention and treatment. If you are struggling with allergies in NYC, reach out to Dr. Shukla today. Allergies …

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Most Common CPAP Machine Problems

Condensation in windows cause mold and moisture in the house

Sleep apnea can be a frustrating condition that causes your breathing to temporarily stop or become shallow, frequently interrupting your sleep. While a CPAP solves obstructive sleep apnea, adjusting to the continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) poses a challenge for some patients. This is due to a myriad of reasons, including an inability to keep …

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What is the Best Temperature for Sleep?


Have you ever wondered what the best temperature for sleep is? Sleep scientists have found some surprising answers. In the chilly season, a warm blanket around your body feels heavenly. You feel your eyes shut and drift into dreamland in what feels like a matter of minutes. You may find you fall asleep easier in …

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What Can You do at Home to Help Asthma?

Boy using an asthma inhaler in the park

Wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing — these are symptoms of asthma people know all too well. What may be a beautiful, sunny, spring day to one person can be an absolute nightmare for someone with asthma. So what can someone with this condition do to enjoy their life and the outdoors without the hassle of …

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Do Allergies Get Worse at Night?


It’s not in your imagination; allergies do get worse at night. This is true whether affected by seasonal allergies or a year-round condition, like dust mite or mold allergies. According to the National Sleep Foundation, allergies make it more difficult to sleep. The congestion, sinus pressure, and other symptoms caused by allergies contribute to poor …

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Is Pollution a Social Issue or Environmental Issue?

Sleepy brunette woman waking up and rubbing her eyes.

The effects of pollution on the environment – and on our physical health – is no secret. For decades, people have been noticing that releasing harmful toxins and chemicals in the air has had drastic effects. But when it comes down to it, do we see pollution as merely a problem with the environment? Or, …

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New Study Raises Concerns About Diagnosed Asthma

Asthma is a fairly common disease and affects many people in different ways. To some it’s annoying, to others, it can be deadly. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America reports that 8.3% of Americans have asthma. Although there is no cure, asthma is treatable if diagnosed; however, there is a concern that the diagnosis …

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Can Changing Your Diet Affect Your Seasonal Allergies?

Spring is a beautiful time of year — the flowers are in bloom, the sun is peaking its head out from the rain clouds, and there’s a bit of pep in everyone’s step. However, with this season comes the inevitable: seasonal allergies. If you’re affected by allergies you are famiiar with common allergy symptoms. The …

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Are You Breathing Wrong?

How often do you focus on your breathing? When you’re nervous, you may take quick and shallow breaths. When you’re exasperated or relieved, you let out a sigh. Are you one of the millions of Americans who have adopted yoga and meditation for self-care? You may know some deep breathing techniques to calm your nerves …

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