
City Living and Children: What You Need to Know

The effects of city living on children include a higher risk for asthma

Living in the city can be a great experience for children. The endless access to diverse backgrounds and people create important learning opportunities for your child. Museums, community theaters, street vendors, and more global populations give your child a better sense of the world around them. This allows them to appreciate the beauty that people …

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Children and the Effects Air Pollution

The effects of air pollution on children can be serious.

Due to children’s physical development, they can face unique risks from air pollution. Like the rest of their body, their lungs and respiratory system are growing and are not fully developed. The risk of air pollution is much more problematic as compared to adults. Not only is development a significant factor, but higher levels of …

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Effects of Vaping on Young People and Children

The effects of vaping on children and young people can be long-lasting and severe

In the past several years, vaping has become a popular method of smoking that seems to be sweeping the globe. Although e-cigarettes and similar products have been on the market for over ten years, people are just now starting to talk about it. One reason for this is that the product is readily available to …

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Childhood Allergies and Difficulty Sleeping

Childhood allergies can cause difficulty with sleep for children

The first time your child crawls into bed with you in the middle of the night isn’t a big deal. They need comfort, and it is something you are glad to provide as a parent. However, if your child is routinely waking up during the night or having trouble falling asleep, then it could be …

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Importance of Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality can effect a child's respiratory system

Often people associate air quality with outdoor pollution. One may even think of urban cities with lots of cars or even industrialized areas. However, indoor air quality is a concern as there are harmful substances that can cause you and your family harm, even in your own home. Indoor air pollution occurs when particles or …

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Where Do Dust Mites Come From?

Where do dust mites come from?

Dust mites are one of the most common causes of asthma and other respiratory ailments. This is especially true for children and young people, although adults can also suffer breathing problems at the hands of pesky dust mites. What exactly are they, and where do they come from? What are some ways to get rid …

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Can a Humidifier Help Alleviate My Allergies?

Can a humidifier help allergies

Living in a dry climate comes with its own set of challenges. You’re less likely to worry about mold and termites. But, the winter months can be brutal for your respiratory system. Running a heater or wood stove might combat the chill, but it also makes your already dry living environment even drier. What if …

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Do I Have Allergies or a Cold?

Do I have allergies or a cold?

Symptoms of allergies and colds can be strikingly similar, depending on what you are feeling. They both affect millions of people each year, so there may be a time when you ask yourself if you are experiencing a cold or allergies. Allergies affect more than fifty million Americans each year. Adults in the United States …

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Is Oral Allergy Syndrome Dangerous? 

What foods contribute to oral allergy syndrome?

The immune system is a complex thing. Everybody has different tolerances or sensitivities that make us aware of many kinds of allergies that can exist. One of the most common is oral allergy syndrome, which causes the immune system to react negatively to certain pollens or food allergens.  Like most other types of allergies, oral …

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How Stress Affects Sleep and What Can You Do About It?

Stress and sleep disorders

It’s no secret that stress has a direct, negative effect on our sleeping patterns. But, the reason for this relationship remains mysterious for most people. This is true even though about one-third of Americans don’t get sufficient rest. The issue has become so widespread that the Center for Disease Control now considers sleep deprivation to be a national …

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