
Traveling With Kids With Breathing Problems

Traveling with kids with breathing problems.

If your child has breathing problems traveling is likely a major cause for concern. However, traveling with kids with breathing problems is possible so long as you are prepared. If your child suffers from asthma or pediatric chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (“PCOPD”), it shouldn’t stop your family from traveling. Below are some of the best …

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Does Coronavirus Affect Kids?

Does coronavirus affects kids

During this pandemic, everyone is at risk of contracting COVID-19. Some parents are concerned about their children catching the virus, and some wonder whether this virus affects children in the same way. So, does the novel coronavirus affect kids? It is possible for children to contract COVID-19, but some infected kids do not show symptoms …

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What Makes Kids Susceptible to Allergies?

What makes kids susceptible to allergies?

As of 2001, around 35% of all children deal with some form of allergy. But what makes kids susceptible to allergies? A report published in Paediatrics Child Health shows that these numbers have been steadily increasing and may continue to increase. Therefore, as a parent, it pays to know a little about allergies and what …

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Does My Kid Have Allergic Asthma?

Does my kid have allergic asthma?

Millions of children suffer from allergies and asthma. However, children can also suffer from allergic asthma. Both asthma and allergies are common, but they can be frightening for children to experience. Children with multiple respiratory issues need to be diagnosed, treated, and their conditions need to be properly managed by a skilled child respiratory specialist. …

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Effects of Climate Change on Children with Asthma

Effects of climate change on children with asthma

As summers get hotter and winters get colder, it is hard to deny that the effects of climate change are all around us. But the globe’s changing weather patterns aren’t just affecting our outside world – serious changes are happening inside the human body as well. And the effects of climate change on children with …

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The Link Between Childhood Obesity and Asthma

Childhood obesity and asthma

There is no denying that childhood obesity is a serious problem in the United States. According to the Center for Disease Control, roughly 19% of all American children between the ages of 2 and 19 years of age are considered medically obese. These rates are even higher in low-income communities and inner-city neighborhoods where regular …

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Can Kids With Asthma Play Sports?

Can kids with asthma play sports?

Asthma affects millions of children in the United States. The condition is common, but it can be frightening for children and their parents. The respiratory issue should be treated and managed properly, which can be done with the help of a skilled medical professional that specializes in asthma. Physical activity is vitally important for children’s …

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Health Effects of Secondhand Smoke on Children

Effects of secondhand smoke on chidlren

It is no secret that the effects of smoking tobacco products are drastic. Many medical institutions and organizations campaign against the smoking of cigarettes and similar items. After all, nicotine can cause cancer, and smoke can cause destructive damage in the lungs. Furthermore, there are health effects of secondhand smoke on children. There is a …

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City Living and Children: What You Need to Know

The effects of city living on children include a higher risk for asthma

Living in the city can be a great experience for children. The endless access to diverse backgrounds and people create important learning opportunities for your child. Museums, community theaters, street vendors, and more global populations give your child a better sense of the world around them. This allows them to appreciate the beauty that people …

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Children and the Effects Air Pollution

The effects of air pollution on children can be serious.

Due to children’s physical development, they can face unique risks from air pollution. Like the rest of their body, their lungs and respiratory system are growing and are not fully developed. The risk of air pollution is much more problematic as compared to adults. Not only is development a significant factor, but higher levels of …

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