
How to Stop Sneezing at Work

How to stop sneezing at work.

If you suffer from allergies and are known as the office sneezer, there are treatment options that can reduce your symptoms and get you back to full health again. Issues such as sneezing, wheezing, and even fatigue can all be linked back to your allergies. While you should seek allergy treatment, it’s also important to …

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Recognize Symptoms of Breathing Allergies

Recognize symptoms of breathing allergies.

Allergies can show up in many different ways, with symptoms ranging from mild to severe. Whether you are susceptible to seasonal allergies each year or you have a particular reaction that makes you feel sick, it is important to recognize symptoms of breathing allergies before things get worse. Recognize Symptoms of Breathing Allergies Read below …

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Can Allergies Get Worse Over Time?

Family with allergies getting worse over time.

At best, allergies are a minor annoyance. Seasonal sniffles, a minor cough, and hives are fairly common symptoms when it comes to mild or moderate allergies. However, it is easy to get a little too comfortable. As much as we know what to expect with our allergy symptoms, allergic reactions can vary quite a bit. …

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Danger of Not Treating Allergies

Danger of Not Treating Allergies

For those who experience allergies, the symptoms can be debilitating, depending on the severity. Common symptoms include a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, sinus headaches, coughing, and even post-nasal drip. Oftentimes people easily mistake these symptoms for the common cold. However, if your symptoms last more than ten days, you are likely experiencing …

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Spring Allergies and Asthma

Spring allergies and asthma.

Spring is the season that everyone looks forward to the most, as the winter melts away and the weather warms up. But for some, spring can be the harbinger of coughs, sneezes, allergies, and breathing issues. With pollens and other particles floating throughout the air, the triggers for spring allergies and asthma are everywhere. If …

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Signs that Your Child’s Asthma is Getting Worse

Signs child's asthma getting worse.

Asthma is a chronic disease. There is no cure, but there are plenty of treatments that can allow people with asthma to live a relatively normal and happy life. Unfortunately, the condition is unlikely to remain static through your entire life. So how can you spot signs your child’s asthma is getting worse? Many people …

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How to Improve Your Lungs

How to improve your lungs.

The importance of lifelong lung health is immeasurable as every cell in your body needs oxygen to live. But you might not know how to improve your lungs. The air we breathe in contains oxygen which is transferred from your lungs to your bloodstream. Once it’s in your bloodstream, it is carried throughout your body, …

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Seasonal Allergies and COVID

Seasonal allergies and COVID.

As winter melts into spring, people wonder if it is safe to resume outdoor activities amid COVID-19. While the virus is still spreading, other dangers on the rise can cause similar symptoms, making seasonal allergies a thing to be feared. What is the relationship between seasonal allergies and COVID? Is it still possible for someone …

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Teaching Your Child about Asthma

teaching your child about asthma

About one in every twelve children has asthma here in the United States. It’s a fairly common problem that comes with its own challenges based on your child’s individual case. However, there is one thing that every parent of a child with asthma tends to struggle with: teaching your child about asthma in a productive …

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Childhood Asthma and Exercise

Childhood asthma and exercise

Asthma affects roughly one in twelve children in the United States. This equates to roughly 6.2 million children under the age of 18 with the diagnosis. The inflammatory disease impacts the airways to your lungs which makes breathing difficult. The key to managing asthma is having an effective treatment plan. This includes potential medications and …

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