
Can Asthma Improve On Its Own?

Woman experiencing asthma symptoms at home sitting on a bed.

Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characterized by the inflammation of the airways in response to exercise, an allergen, or another irritant. In most cases, asthma cannot go away on its own. However, many patients with asthma experience variations in the severity of their asthma throughout their lives. This is especially true for those diagnosed …

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Educating Your Child About Asthma

Illustration of woman educating her children about asthma.

Asthma impacts a large number of children in the United States. In fact, over 6 million children have asthma. Of those 6 million, over half have suffered an asthma attack or episode. This can be really scary for both parents and children. Having a game plan for your child is important if they have an …

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How Sleep Apnea Affects Weight

Woman checking her weight on a scale.

If you have trouble sleeping at night, or you have noticed that you display irregular breathing patterns that keep you from sleeping comfortably, it is possible that you are struggling with sleep apnea. One of the biggest symptoms and correlations with sleep apnea is sudden weight gain. As the symptoms of sleep apnea get worse, …

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Can Children Have Insomnia?

Child who has insomnia lying awake in bed.

It isn’t a secret that many children struggle to fall and stay asleep. They have active imaginations that often tie into their own fears and anxieties once they’re alone in the dark. A child in this state is understandably likely to struggle with falling asleep because their natural instincts tell them to stay alert for …

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Exercise and Lung Health

Man doing yoga exercise in a park to boost lung health.

Exercise has often been known as a helpful remedy for a variety of health issues. From depression and anxiety to insomnia, getting in some cardio or weight training can really change things for the better. Exercise and lung health are also closely related in terms of your overall health. Below you will find more information …

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Breathing Exercises for Stress Management

Illustration of Woman practicing breathing exercises for stress relief.

Stress comes in many shapes and forms, but no matter how you experience it, it is overwhelming and probably unhealthy. Too much stress can lead to physical, mental, and psychological health issues that will only get worse over time. If you feel like you are about to collapse under the weight of a mountain of …

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Are Allergies Linked to Your Mood?

Woman looking outside in a low mood because of allergies.

Allergy season is the worst, and this year has been a doozy. The congestion, the coughing, the itching eyes, and runny nose are enough to drive anyone crazy. However, the question remains, are your allergies actually linked to mood changes. On the surface it seems like a silly question. Of course prolonged discomfort and irritation …

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Top Allergies Around the World

Several foods that cause allergies around the world on a table.

Allergies can be a pain and cause you a lot of discomfort. Not only can they be problematic, but there are a wide variety of things that one can be allergic to. Between drug and food allergies to mold and pollen allergies, you may find yourself feeling like you can’t catch a break. Allergies affect …

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Guide for Parents of Children with Asthma

Guide for parents of children with asthma.

No parent wants to see their child suffer from the effects of asthma. While it is very possible and easy to control asthma symptoms, there may be certain times where you aren’t there to provide immediate assistance to your child. It is important that both you and your child know exactly how asthma works, what …

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Why Does Running Make My Nose Run Too?

Why Does Running Make My Nose Run Too?

Why does running make my nose run too? Exercise-induced rhinitis is the name of the condition that explains why you might experience allergy symptoms, such as a runny nose, whenever you run or perform any other activity that includes intense physical activity. Other examples may include swimming, biking, or skiing. Although certain aspects of exercise-induced …

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