
Five Lessons Learned About My Child’s Asthma Attacks

Asthma Attacks: 5 Valuable Lessons

It can be a very frightening time when a parent finds out that their child has asthma. Although asthma has no cure, there are a number of treatment options available that can be used to make the condition manageable. The first step, in helping your child adapt to their new circumstances, is to get informed. Here are five things that every parent should know when their child is diagnosed with asthma.

Asthma Triggers

While anything from a thunderstorm to rigorous physical activity can trigger an asthma attack, there are a few steps parents can take to limit their kids’ exposure to substances known to aggravate their condition. For one thing, it’s a good idea to rid the home of allergens. This means dusting frequently and washing their bedding, on weekly basis. Additionally, you should not use any air fresheners at home since the volatile organic compounds, that give them their scents, are known as asthma triggers. You also want to make sure your car is dusted regularly and that you drive with the windows up, when transporting your child anywhere.

Early Warning Signs

Even if you work to make sure your child is not exposed to any allergens, in the home or car, they can still run into triggering substances in school or when hanging out with friends. Signs that your child is experiencing, or is on the cusp of experiencing, an asthma attack include persistent coughing, wheezing, difficulty speaking, a blue tint to their lips, a noticeable pallor, and a tightness in the chest.

Rescue Medication

Generally, a person’s asthma is kept in check through the use of slow acting control medications, they will also need a fast attacking rescue medication, like an albuterol inhaler, to treat a sudden asthma attack. Whenever your child is away from home, they need to have some rescue medication handy. Ideally, your child should have an inhaler on their person at all times. Inhalers should also be given to caregivers at your child’s school, as well as, any afterschool activities they may participate in.

Asthma Card

In order to make sure your child’s condition can be treated when they are not under your direct care, you need to make an asthma card and give it your child’s teachers, coaches, babysitters and other temporary care givers. This card should list your phone, the phone number of your child’s doctor, a list of their medications, their asthma triggers, and what do if your child has an attack while under their care. The card will provide crucial information to both your child’s caretakers and any first responders they may interact with in the event of an attack.

Consult with an Asthma Specialist

Parents who want to ensure that their children’s asthma does not have a detrimental impact on their life should consult with an asthma specialist. Only an experienced specialist can prescribe a course of treatment that will allow your child to get the most of life. If you feel that your child’s condition is not as under control as it could be, contact us today to schedule an appointment. With his expertise, Dr. Shulka has been able to reduce his patients’ asthma related emergency room visits by 15 percent.

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